The meaning of Sustainability, ESG and DEI are just developing for the global mobility industry.

But, sustainability does not travel well and a meaning developed in one part of the world doesn’t always translate well into every environment, society and economy.

Despite this, programs and policies regarding Sustainability are often uniform and fail to take into consideration location and the potential for variation due to cultures created by different histories and traditions. Additionally, much of the theory behind the topic has traditionally been based upon the ideals of liberal democracies.

As a region, Asia is complex. It is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, yet nearly two thirds of the people lack access to safe drinking water, over 600 million lack access to electricity and over 800 million live below the global poverty line of US $2.50 per day. So, while sustainability in the Western and wealthy countries may be focused on environment and equality, Asia has more focus on people, investment and building infrastructure that will give people a way out of poverty.

Join us as we discuss sustainability in Asia with a diverse panel of speakers from our industry here in Asia. Understand what they are seeing, both within that of their own organizations, but also that of their clients here in Asia. Find out what is important and get some hints around what we should be doing now, as we look to the future.

Facilitated by Steve Burson, Relo Network Asia has invited guests from 2 of Asia’s most prominent relocation management companies, one who is a specialist in sustainability programs, and one of Asia’s top global mobility recruiters to give us some insights to this very important, but challenging topic.

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