One Day DSP | Part IV: Undefined – Dangerous Games and How They’re Navigated Now
The introduction of One Day DSP programs has had a negative impact all along the supply chain and to the assignee experience. Are these programs wishful thinking, or are they a new necessity that requires a better definition that once meant for a vastly different set of circumstances? Just how dangerous the situation is and […]

Contactless – The New DSP?
The Relo Network Asia team continues to prepare for the future of Global Mobility. We have updated our Second Best Case Scenario Handbook to present the breadth of options for destination services from traditional to contactless. Service delivery is back to or approaching business as usual in 40% of our destinations, including Australia, China, Hong […]

Seven Things to Know | Renting in Taiwan
Leases and lease terms vary from country to country. Sometimes from city to city! What are the seven most important things to know when renting an apartment in Taiwan? Beyond the best location for access to your work and your child’s international school, you’ll need to know how renting an apartment is the same or […]