Our COO, Adeline Chur brings us the latest local information on arrival and home finding from Malaysia.

After more than one month of lockdown, the Malaysian government recently announced 4 phases of a National Recovery Plan with Phase 1 taking immediate effect. However, at the present moment the number of cases continue to remain high. We need to monitor the official website of National Security Council (MKN) https://www.mkn.gov.my/ however it is a national language site. Despite the lockdown situation in Malaysia, issuance entry approvals are still on-going for arrivals into the country albeit with some delays.
Other key references are as follows:
https://www.therakyatpost.com/2021/06/29/phase-1-covid-19-national-recovery-plan-sop-english/ https://www.techarp.com/business/mco-phase-1-sop-07-06/
Arrival Process
The arrival process remains unchanged with the following details:
- MyTravelPass (Entry Permit) is required to enter Malaysia
- Compulsory quarantine for 14-21 days upon arrival
- Mandatory medical test will be done at the airport
- All visitors to complete the health declaration at least one day before departure by using the MySejahtera App
- It is recommended to download MySejahtera app prior to arrival
- PCR test results are to be obtained less than 72 hours before departure
Quarantine requirement remains unchanged and there are selections of premium hotels which can be booked prior to arrival. The list of hotels can be found below:
Transfers from quarantine hotel to assignees’ next accommodation will still be provided with proof of documents i.e. passport copies and quarantine/release letter.
Temporary Housing
Despite any level of local restrictions, we have established various alternatives to continue executing the home finding program. There are increasing needs and requests to extend the temp housing period for another two weeks to one month due to the following situations:
- Assignee prefers to view the shortlisted properties before making a decision
- Shipment arrival delayed
- Management Office did not approve move-in process due to SOPs
- Unable to purchase the essential items for the apartment on time due to EMCO
- Landlords are unable to set up the perm housing on time due to EMCO
Permanent Housing Searches
Due to the pandemic situation worldwide, we have established various tracks to continue the home finding program. The following measures have been taken into consideration:
- To reduce unnecessary face to face meeting
- To ensure safety measures are in place when viewing the properties Here are 3 different tracks in the home finding process:
- Arrive in KL → Quarantine → move to Temp Housing → Start Home Finding Program (estimated turnaround time 3 to 4 weeks)
- Arrive in KL → Quarantine (Start reviewing and shortlisting some properties during quarantine period) → move to Temp Housing → Visit the shortlisted properties and start negotiation (estimated turnaround time 2 to 3 weeks)
- Start reviewing/shortlisting and confirm the selected property before arrival →Arrive in KL → Quarantine→ Perm Housing ready to move in
For options 2 and 3, we commence the home finding process immediately when the assignee arrives in Malaysia and during their quarantine period. We smoothly complete pre-searches by sharing property links for the assignee to review and shortlist. Depending on the MCO situation, if property viewings are restricted, we will obtain photos and/or videos of the shortlisted properties. In some occasions, virtual viewings shall be conducted to facilitate the home finding process.