We have revised the way we count vaccinations in each country.

The calculations used in the previous report used data that is not available from all countries.  The “% Population Vaccinated” has been revised to “% Population with At Least 1 Dose” and now uses the total number of vaccines distributed divided by the population of the country as reported by Our World in Data, https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations.  This will still permit us to watch closely the progress of local vaccination efforts.

Vaccination progress remains slow as does the reopening of borders.  There is promising news, however.

The Singapore transportation minister was reported to say the country is keen to start the delayed travel bubble with Hong Kong and establish more with other countries who have shown success with vaccination and containment efforts.

China has launched a vaccine passport “International Travel Health Certificate” available to download and via WeChat.  It contains Covid-19 vaccination information and test results and hopes to gain acceptance with other countries.  Thailand is also advancing a proposal for a vaccine passport as well as shortened quarantine requirements for vaccinated arrivals as soon as April.

Countries continue vaccination programs in all RNA locations except Brunei, Taiwan (set to start soon) and Vietnam.

Click here to download a pdf of the report.

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